Many factors can cause a cyst to form on the penis, and the cyst can lead to varying symptoms. Here, we discuss the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and risk factors of penile cysts.
Many sores on the penis occur due to sexually transmitted infections or chronic skin conditions. Learn about 12 possible causes and their treatments here.
As a normal part of aging, the scrotum loses elasticity, and the skin starts to sag. Some medical conditions can also cause the skin to appear saggy. Learn more about saggy balls and how to treat them here.
A variety of health conditions can cause red spots on the penis, including eczema, balanitis, and some sexually transmitted infections. Learn about these and other causes here.
The thin skin around the penis is prone to cuts and tears. Causes of a cut on the penis can include friction, scratching, and accidents. Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections can sometimes also resemble cuts. Learn more about the causes and treatment of a cut on the penis here.
Friction burns on the penis can cause red, swollen skin in the affected area. They can occur due to vigorous sexual activity or tight fitting clothing and may cause symptoms similar to those of a sexually transmitted infection. Learn more about penile friction burns, including how to treat and prevent them.
Dry skin on the penis may have a variety of causes, including unlubricated sex or masturbation, eczema, or psoriasis. Many home remedies, such as moisturizers, can help. Learn more here.
White spots on the testicles are usually harmless, but they sometimes indicate a sexually transmitted infection or another health condition. They often require no treatment, but some people may wish to remove them. Here, we look at the possible causes, as well as prevention and treatment, and when to see a doctor.
A pimple can occur anywhere on the skin, including the scrotum. Scrotal skin is different to areas where people more commonly get pimples, so treatments are slightly more complicated. There are also times when what looks like a pimple may be something else that requires a visit to the doctor. Find out more here.
Lumps and swellings in the testicle are typically harmless, although some can be a sign of testicular cancer. Regular self-exams can help spot the early signs of testicular cancer. In this article, we look at how to do a self-examination, and when to see a doctor. We also cover causes, diagnosis and treatment.